Friday, June 12, 2015

End of May + June 2

Boy, we've been getting a lot of rain recently. Not so much large volumes at any one time, but something just about every night. It's been a hard few months trying to grow certain vegetables. But the greens, spring onions, and potatoes are thriving still. 

So what's still growing well for us? Potatoes. Sweet potatoes. Beets. Chard. Kale. Broccoli. Cabbage. Turnips. Radishes. Green onions. Chives. Basil. Beans. Taro. Spinach. Carrots.

What's doing poorly? Cowpeas. Tomatoes. Eggplant. Peppers. Peas, because of disease. The pipinola aren't doing poorly, but they aren't doing great either. 

But we are still getting harvests. 

The harvest above doesn't show the greens because people pick what they want of the kale, chard, spinach, and herbs. 

We had a bag full of tangerines given to us this week,  they also were shared among the volunteers. They turned out to be quite juicy and sweet. 

Many, many weeks ago Matt started onions from seeds. Several weeks went by and we finally planted them out into the garden....just wee thin seedlings that we planted in clumps rather than try separating them. Finally this week we began separating the onions and replanting them. 
We know from prior experience that these newly transplanted seedlings will grow very rapidly. It not be long before we are harvesting green onions. 

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