In just one year we have accomplished so much for being such a small group of volunteers with extremely little funding. We've cleared land, removed rocks, tilled, and planted crops. Compost bins were made and filled. Herbs were planted, plus perennial plants. A very large gourd patch was put in and trellises built for it. A hoophouse was built. Just recently a very secure chicken pen was completed, and 50+ hens moved into it. Right now raised garden boxes are being put into place.
An incredible amount of food has been produced, considering we are amateurs. Volunteers were constantly able to take home food. Boxes of food was also delivered to senior groups, and organizations making meals for seniors. Several families in need of temporary help were given baskets of food. Seniors were given hydroponic lettuce growing units. Plus we were able to sell food and excess plants are low cost to Ka'u residents via farmers markets.
We held a couple of open gate events, inviting the local residents to come see the garden. And we held our first gourd workshop, a howling success! Next month will see our second gourd workshop.
The coming year will see more expansion. More ground being used for the garden. More food trees being planted. More container gardening. The addition of hydroponics and aquaponics. We have already experimented with some hydroponic systems and plan to establish a more permanent set up. A section will be developed for seed stock..... growing seeds, growing start up cuttings. By the end of the year we anticipate the rabbits to be moved to the garden grounds, with the lambs to follow. Plus we are having many, many requests now for workshops. And speakers who which to host workshops.
Volunteers come and go, but we have a nice core group that gets along just fine. As the garden expands, we seem to add a few more, so as time goes by, we expect our core group to grow. The great part is that our group enjoys coming to the garden, enjoys socializing afterward, and is very interested in developing the community garden project.
So....Happy Anniversary to the Mala'ai Ka'u Project!
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