Thursday, July 31, 2014

May - The Restart

May 1st saw the garden shutting down at the old location and everything being moved from the old site. Quite a job, to say the least. Not only did all the tools need moving, but we also dismantled the greenhouse, packed up all sorts of supplies, rolled up rugs and plastic sheeting, moved wood pallets, buckets, etc. The whole shebang.

While some of us moved the physical possessions, others began transplanting the herbs and perennial type plants. Plus whatever could be transplanted got moved. Things like the yacon, leeks, onions, stevia, taro, etc. We also harvested everything that was close enough to take -- the potatoes primarily.

On top of all the garden, we also moved everything from our clubhouse. Volunteers packed everything into boxes and bags -- kitchen ware, chairs, garden books, everything.
Moving was quite a job. And the decision to move was not a light one to take on our part. But the garden had become not as productive as we had anticipated, so a change was in order. We needed to find a better, secure location for the garden. But we found a spot to try, so off we went to the new location. Not a perfect location, but an ok one that we could work with. 
So what we do with all the stuff we moved? Well, mostly it's in piles here and there. What could get rain damaged was piled into a small barn. What could get wet went into big piles staged around the new garden area. Surely not the ideal solution, but you do what ya have to do.